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Board Candidate Question Responses
2023 Monster Tree Special Offer to Residents
Monster Tree Service is offering a special rate to VIllage Creek residents.
You can click to view or download the details if you have trouble reading it on the website.
See PDF flyer below.
2023 Christmas Decoration Contest Results
The results are in!
Here are the winners of the 2023 Christmas Decoration Contest.
Many thanks to the participants for making Village Creek look amazing!
And thank you to Marsha Bailey for organizing the contest!
Ligustrum Trail
17202 Leeside Drive
1ST Place 12710 Wandering Streams Dr
2nd Place 17623 Empress Cove Ln
Honorable Mentions 17313 Cobble Shores Dr
12523 Midland Creek Dr
12702 Wandering Streams Dr
1stPlace 12622 Midland Creek Dr
2ndPlace 17610 Eden Grove Dr
Honorable Mentions
17319 Holsberry Ct
12523 Midland Creek Dr
12438 Morning Rain
1st Place 17123 Cobble Shores Dr
2ndPlace 12523 Midland Creek Dr
Honorable Mentions
17610 Eden Grove Dr
12622 Midland Creek Dr
1stPlace 12523 Midland Creek Dr
2ndPlace 12702 Wandering Streams Dr
Honorable Mentions
17123 Cobble Shores Dr
17319 Holsberry Ct
12710 Wandering Streams Dr
(Given to the entry with the most combined votes from all categories)
1st Place 12523 Midland Creek Dr
2nd Place 17123 Cobble Shores Dr
Blessings in the New Year to you and yours!
Village Creek Association
2023 Online Survey Results
2022 Annual Meeting and Election Results
2022 Village Creek Annual Meeting and Elections
The 2022 Village Creek Annual Meeting and Elections will be held in July.
You should receive OFFICIAL notification and election details from Crest via USPS and via email.
Date: July 25, 2022
Time: 6:30pm
Voting Method: Online Voting, same as last year
Meeting Method: conveniently attend by phone or zoom app. Refer to your official announcement notification for phone number and zoom link.
There are two (2) open positions. You can vote for two (2) candidates.
Your vote also counts towards quorum, which helps expedite the meeting process.
If you have not received an election notice, please contact Crest Management, see below.
Questions? You can contact Crest Mgmt, the Board, Committees, etc.
1) Contact Crest Management…
Phone: 281 549 7061
Fax: 281 579 7062
Mail: Village Creek Community Association
c/o Crest Management Co
PO Box 219320
Houston TX 77218-9320
2) Contact the Board of Directors and various HOA Committees…
Visit the Contact page at
New Holiday Lighting Contest Guidelines
Get ready to “wow” your neighbors with your holiday home designs, because this year the judges will be the residents! Here’s how it will work:
- By December 9th, residents who wish to enter the contest should send us a message at the contact page: (Scroll down to the Social Committee section and fill in your information. In the Message Subject box, enter “Lighting Contest Entry”. In the Comment/Message box, enter the categories you are entering. You may enter in 2 categories.)
- We will publish the entrants and send out a form so residents can vote for their favorites until midnight, December 18th. (Instructions will be on this form regarding returning of the votes.)
- The Events Committee will tabulate the results and publish them and place the signs in the winners’ yards and award small gift certificates/tokens of appreciation to them.
These are the categories we will be featuring this year. The description/guidelines for each one will be shown on the next page.
- Best Overall
- Most Festive
- Most Traditional
- Kid’s Choice
- Door Decoration Contest
- Best Animated.
- Best Overall –
- Most Festive – When you look at this home you should think that this house is “over the top.” This home should really load up on the lights; blow up figures, yard ornaments, etc.
- Most Traditional – This home should have an elegant theme that is clean and neat, not cluttered. It should have a consistent color theme such as white, red or green or combination of the three. It would remind you of an “old-fashioned” Christmas.
- Kid’s Choice – This home would be decorated with a theme or decorations that would appeal to children.
- Door Decoration Contest: A well-lit (visible from the street) door. Creativity will be considered. Any of the above motifs can be used, or create your own theme. Note: A winner of one of the above mentioned categories cannot be awarded in this category.
- Best Animated– A new category, this home will be the best use of animation to celebrate the season.
- Honorable Mention – While these homes may not win in any category above, this category would honor the residents’ expenditure of their time and money decorating their houses. Many of them deserve recognition for the effort they make beautifying their neighborhood during this season.
Village Creek Holiday Party
December 11 from 1 – 4 p.m.
You’re invited! Fun and parties are not just for kids. We hope all residents can come join us to celebrate the end of the year party and this Holiday tradition of Cookies with Santa. We have some new exciting elements for this gathering.
We’ll have:
- The DJ playing favorites
- Photo posing stations with Santa and new opportunities. Plan to include the family.
- Snow! Come and see how we are bringing snow to Texas. Bring your cameras!
- A “Toys for Tots” box to provide an opportunity for Village Creek to donate toys and “give back” to the less fortunate. You can donate a toy for less fortunate children to this Marine-sponsored project. The item must be new, unwrapped and in the original packaging. (No weapons, liquids, or food items will be accepted.) The Marines will take it from there to sort and deliver them in surrounding areas.
- Cookies and cocoa!
The Events Committee wishes everyone a happy holiday season and joyous end to 2021!
Note: We’ll be celebrating in a Covid-friendly manner to protect Santa and his elf.
Note: This event is sponsored by the Village Creek HOA and will be offered for residents only. Thank you.
Cousins Maine Lobster is coming back to Village Creek!
Our next “Food Truck Friday” will be “Food Truck Saturday”! Back by popular demand, your #1 attended and requested food truck, Cousins Main Lobster, returns on Saturday, November 13, from 5-8. Nationally known and locally owned, they tell us they love serving communities around the Houston Area. Their dedication to the business starts with their training program. From trap to truck or table – each Cousins Maine Lobster family member travels to Maine, meets their lobstermen, boards their boats, baits & hauls traps, and measures lobsters for sustainability to learn about the industry and what makes their lobster so special.
Their story is interesting. You might enjoy checking it out on their website:
We think you’ll love the food and appreciate it when they say, “We are a family business, and there’s nothing more important than family.”

A Movie Night at the Pool House
Your Events Committee invites you to the pool house at 7 p.m. Saturday, November 6th. Our pool manager will be projecting the feature movie, The War with Grandpa, for us to enjoy!
Everyone’s invited. We’ll be serving hotdogs and popcorn. We’ll have water, but you may want to bring your own drinks if you prefer something else.
We’ll be gathering in the grass, so you may wish to bring blankets, pillows, chairs, bug spray for those of us whom bugs love, and other creature comforts.
So, pack up and meet us there and let’s all try something new and have fun!
P.S. Don’t want to see the movie? That’s ok; maybe bring a chair and gather around the pool house breezeway and visit with your neighbors!
-The Events Committee