Home Owner Association

Love Your Neighbor(hood) Event

Valentine’s Day is coming! Maybe you remember the excitement you felt as a child during Valentine season.  The surprise little bags of goodies. Counting and recounting the cards you received from friends after the school party. All of these may be fond memories for you.  What if we recreated that feeling in our neighborhood? 

The idea is that we can do something special for one another this weekend.  You can be anonymous as you surprise others, or not.  The children may wish to participate too.

Here are a few ideas we thought of that may appeal to you to spread the caring and cheer of this time:

-Leave a plate of baked goods at a friend’s or neighbor’s door

-Make a little basket of handy items-pens, pads, etc.

-Place a small flower or plant at the door

-Have the kids make valentines and put them on the doors of neighbors

-Leave a “cup of cheer” at the front door

-Or ?

Please join us in spreading the love, cheer and good feelings and sharing them in Village Creek.

-The Social Committee 

Opens: Memorial Day Wknd
Closes: Sept (date pending)
Hours: 10am – 8pm
Closed Mondays for Maint.

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Hours: 8am to 8pm Daily