Home Owner Association

2020 Holiday Decoration Contest Guidelines

Start pulling those decorating boxes out of the attic and from storage! The annual holiday decorating contest will be held Friday, December 13.

2020 Holiday Decoration Contest Guidelines


Social Committee members will be the judges.  The winners will receive lots of oohs and ahhs, a temporary yard sign stating their category win, and a modest gift certificate. Judging will be conducted in the evening of December 13. In all categories, a house that won the previous year can win again.


The following criteria are to help in the decision process. In all categories, a house that won in previous years can win again.

Best Overall – This home will give you a WOW factor as you view it.  This home generally should have trim on the roof line, sidewalks, yard edge, and have lights around the trees. Single color themes or tasteful multi-colors are also a plus where you can tell that the resident made considerable effort to design a pattern and really make it look nice.  

Most Festive – When you look at this home you should think that this house is “over the top.” This home should really load up on the lights; blow up figures, yard ornaments, etc.

Most Traditional – This home should have an elegant theme that is clean and neat, not cluttered.  It should have a consistent color theme such as white, red, green, or combination of the three.   It would remind you of an “old-fashioned” Christmas. 

Kid’s Choice – The Committee will locate a few houses which are decorated with a theme or decorations that would appeal to children. Children from Village Creek will help the Committee make the final decision.

Door Decoration Contest:  A well-lit (visible from the street) door.  Creativity will be considered.  Any of the above motifs can be used or create your own theme.  Note: A winner of one of the above-mentioned categories cannot be awarded in this category.

Honorable Mention – While these homes may not win in any category above, this category would honor the residents’ expenditure of their time and money decorating their houses. Many of them deserve recognition for the effort they make beautifying their neighborhood during this season.

Thank you in advance to all that participate in giving Village Creek a special holiday ambiance.

Opens: Memorial Day Wknd
Closes: Sept (date pending)
Hours: 10am – 8pm
Closed Mondays for Maint.

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Pool Cards: Request Form

Hours: 8am to 8pm Daily