Home Owner Association


2020 Easter Egg Hunt (revised plan)

Live Bunny Tracker will be available Sunday, April 12.

Note: Live Bunny Tracker will show location of Chimeria Gonzalez, who has volunteered to be the GPS source.

2020 Easter Egg Hunt has been revised to account for Social Distancing.

Instead of finding eggs in a field, we’ll find eggs placed in windows of homes around the neighborhood.

Step 1: Register by filling out the form at the bottom of this page. (registration has ended)

Step 2: Place a picture of an egg in your window or on your door.  You can draw freehand and color it however you like.  Or print an egg from online.

Step 3: Take the family out and walk the neighborhood between April 5 and 12, and hunt for eggs.  Take along pen and paper, or your phone, to take note of egg addresses.

Watch for the Easter Bunny on April 5 and again April 12th.

Easter Bunny’s route will start at pool house, circle the neighborhood, then return to pool house.

Maintain Social Distancing during the hunt.

Check back to this page for more details as they become available.

2020 Covid19 Information


This morning County Judge Lina Hidalgo, with the support of Mayor Turner, issued a mandatory “Stay Home. Stay Safe.” order that will start tonight, Mar 24, at 11:59pm. The order will be valid until April 3rd at the very least.

An important aspect of the order is the closing of our community parks and facilities. You can still take walks on sidewalks and trails. However, anything you “touch” is closed. This includes the basketball court, play forts, little library box, and even our various tables and benches.

The order makes sure to list the Essential Businesses that will continue to be open and function. These sectors are determined by the Federal Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency and is outlined at https://www.cisa.gov/identifying-critical-infrastructure-during-covid-19.

The order includes “Work Safe” provisions for Essential Businesses remaining open, to include maintaining six-foot social distancing to the greatest extent possible. Additional guidelines on Work Safe will be made available later by Harris County and we will provide you with those updates as soon as they become available. You may also check our website for updates, information and a list of member restaurants that are still open and need your help. You can find that page at https://www.houstonnwchamber.org/coronavirus-resources/.  

We understand the severity of what is currently occurring in our community. If there is anything we can do to help you, please do not hesitate to ask. We are here for you during this crisis and we will be here for you when this storm passes.

2019 Holiday Decorating Contest Winner

Best Overall
17818 Scarlet Forest Drive

Most Festive
17423 Sunset Arbor Drive

Most Traditional
17122 Ligustrum Trail

Kids’ Choice
17107 Ligustrum Trail

Honorable Mention
17518 Sunset Arbor Drive
12635 Midland Creek Drive
12838 Carriage Glen Drive
12806 Sienna Trails Drive
17223 Cobble Shores Drive

2019 Village Creek Board Elections

Download: 2019 VCCA Voting Proxy


To Village Creek Residents:

At the Annual Meeting on July 15, 2019, two community members will be elected to fill vacant seats on the Board. 

To comply with Texas State Law, we will need to have a quorum of 75  at the meeting.  This quorum can consist of 75 members of the community (one from each household) or 75 proxies (or a combination of the two).  To comply with the law, you may attend the meeting or send your proxy as mail, or scan or photograph it and send it in by email.  The Board cannot proceed with this election or make any decisions without a quorum of 10% of the homes (75). 

You may vote 1 of 2 ways.

  1. Attend the meeting to vote for a candidate directly.  The meeting will be held July 15, 2019 at 6:30PM at The Venue, located next to Cafe Marrese at 11729 Spring Cypress (about a mile east of Village Creek).   
  2. Submit a proxy vote, which you can download via link at top of this article. If you wish to be represented by proxy, you will need to send in your proxy selecting one of the choices to represent you. 

Note that currently two candidates (Cynthia Moody and Lynn Lehmann) are running.  A person can also announce his or her candidacy at the meeting.  

Send your filled-in and signed proxies to either the email address or the United States Postal Service mail address below:


Pam Hummel
Crest Management Company, AAMC
17171 Park Row, Suite 310
Houston, Texas 77084

Crest Management Company


Several months ago, due to concerns over the cost and quality of service from Spectrum Management, the board began seeking, and requesting proposals from, other management companies.

We also invited Spectrum to submit a new proposal, along with the others. Not surprisingly, they elected to withdraw themselves from consideration.

In total, we contacted and compared 9 other candidates, including our 2 management companies prior to Spectrum. We narrowed our search to 3 finalists, which we then met with, and interviewed in detail. After research, discussions, interviews, and follow up questions, the board has selected Crest Management Company.

Crest will begin management duties starting April 1, 2019.

Some of the key benefits from the change are listed below…

  • Lower base rate and fees (up to $10,000 potential savings per year)
  • Larger, older company, with more experience and resources
  • Improved systems and controls over spending and approval process
  • Simpler fee structure for dues, collections, and other HOA business
  • Very experienced manager, Pam Hummel, handling our account
  • Friendlier contract, which we can cancel anytime, for any reason

If you have any questions or concerns, please attend our community meeting on Monday, March 18, 6:30PM at The Venue on Spring Cypress.

Or contact the board using our new website form page HERE.

Note that March 18 will be the final meeting under Spectrum Management. Crest will attend after April 1, beginning with the April 15 meeting.

Opens: Memorial Day Wknd
Closes: Sept (date pending)
Hours: 10am – 8pm
Closed Mondays for Maint.

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Pool Cards: Request Form

Hours: 8am to 8pm Daily