El Guajillo Food Truck will be back on 9/11 from 4-8 PM!
Hey Neighbors! El Guajillo Food Truck will be in Village Creek this Friday, September 11 from 4 – 8 PM at the pool house parking lot. They offer family friendly orders with a slightly different twist on the typical Mexican theme. To preview their menu, prices, and delicious food pictures, go to https://www.facebook.com/elguajillo/ and click on menu. They also have mouth-watering pictures of their food on their Instagram account @elguajillo_htx. We had them in the neighborhood in June and received great reviews on their food and service.

Photo Contest: Become a published photographer!
The Media Committee is seeking photo submissions from our Village Creek children and teenagers (up to age 18) that highlight what Village Creek has to offer its residents and guests. Photos must be taken in Village Creek public areas. Please email your photo submissions to vcmedia@villagecreek.us along with the photographer’s name and age plus a parent’s name, email, and phone number before Tuesday, September 8. The committee will feature winning submissions in future editions of print and online editions of The Voice.
Sharky’s Sno Cones is coming back!

Sharky’s Sno Cones will be helping us kick off the Labor Day weekend. Come and enjoy a refreshing sno cone with Sharky at the pool house Saturday, September 5 from 1 – 8 PM. The sno cones cost $3-$5. Please observe and respect current state guidelines regarding safety and distancing.
Cool Arrows Tacos is back this Friday, Aug 28!
Cool Arrows Tacos will be at the pool house in Village Creek on Friday, August 28 from 5-8 PM. Cool Arrows Tacos offers a diverse, family-friendly menu which they have adapted especially for us.Their menu for the night is below.
While visiting the food trucks please be mindful to socially distance by maintaining six feet of distance. We ask that one person/immediate family be at the order window at a time. Once your order has been placed, please stand back a safe distance for the next customer to approach the window. When picking up your order, one person/immediate family at the pick- up window at a time would be appreciated.
Enjoy your evening; hope to see you at the truck!
The Social Committee

TWO Great Food Trucks for Friday, August 14th
Mama’s Corny Cob and Sweets-N-Treats by Faith will be at the pool house in Village Creek on Friday, August 14 from 4-8 PM.
Ready for something different? Mama’s Corny Cob promises to bring some items we have not seen on a food truck yet! You can view the menu on the attached pictures. They can take pre-orders by phone at 832-723-2881 from now til 8am on Friday, August 14th. Walk up ordering is fine too; the wait is short.
All you sweet-toothed residents: I know you will join us in welcoming Sweets-N-Treats by Faith. You may pre-order these delicious treats by phone at 346-225-4606 (call or text) from now until 8 am Friday, August 14th. But don’t worry; if you don’t get your pre-order in; you can pick up treats at the window.
While visiting the food trucks please be mindful to socially distance by maintaining six feet of distance. We ask that one person/immediate family be at the order window at a time. Once your order has been placed, please stand back a safe distance for the next customer to approach the window. When picking up your order, one person/immediate family at the pick- up window at a time would be appreciated.
Enjoy your evening!
The Social Committee
MickSmokin BBQ will be at the Pool House on Friday, July 31st from 4-8 PM.

MickSmokin BBQ will be at the pool house in Village Creek on Friday, July 31st from 4-8 PM.
Owner Dom Soliz is getting his mobile business up and running and will be serving us from a pop-up tent Friday night.
Judging from his reviews and recommendations from past events, this will be a treat for us.
MickSmokin offers a family-friendly menu. To view the menu and online ordering information, see https://www.micksmokinbbq.com/
While visiting the food trucks please be mindful to socially distance by maintaining six feet of distance.
We ask that one person/immediate family be at the order window at a time. Once your order has been placed, please stand back a safe distance for the next customer to approach the window. When picking up your order, one person/immediate family at the pick- up window at a time would be appreciated.
Cool Arrows Tacos cancelled tonight.
Cool Arrows Tacos food truck has cancelled tonight due to illness. Their cook and server are not feeling well. Iced Cupcakery will still be here tonight, Friday, July 17 from 4-8 PM.
Iced Cupcakery from 4-8 on Friday, July 17.
Please join us in welcoming Iced Cupcakery at the Pool House on Friday, July 17. They come highly recommended by one of our residents. Take a look at their offerings on their facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/icedcupcakery01/ You may pre-order these delicious cupcakes by using this form: https://forms.gle/Rz7H7Bc2hZJqGTe97. You can pre-order now until 6:00pm July 16th. But don’t worry; if you don’t get your pre-order in; you can pick up cupcakes at the window.
While visiting the food trucks please be mindful to socially distance by maintaining six feet of distance. We ask that one person/immediate family be at the order window at a time. Once your order has been placed, please stand back a safe distance for the next customer to approach the window. When picking up your order, one person/immediate family at the pick- up window at a time would be appreciated.
Enjoy your evening and these wonderful cupcakes!
2020 Board Election
2020 Pool Season
Village Creek Community Association
2020 Pool Season
This letter is to update the Village Creek homeowners and residents on the 2020 pool season and
how the COVID-19 has changed it from our normal with the following key points:
➢ First and foremost, the pool will be open for use on June 6, 2020 (06/06/2020) under these key points, guidelines, and stipulations.
➢ While the pool company has lifeguards ready, we are not sure if that means they are ready at this moment.
➢ Once the pool is able to open, the 25% capacity policy will be implemented and enforced to ensure the safety of everyone – meaning only 36 people will be allowed in the pool area at any given time. Should this increase throughout the county, we will follow suit. To update everyone and avoid confusion in the future, there will either be a small red or green flag indicating whether or not capacity has been met. If you see the green flag, please feel free to proceed to the pool safely, but if you see red, it means that capacity has been met and no more residents may be allowed entry at that time. In order to help us maintain this policy, we ask that no more than 5 people per family may enter, and please do not come to the pool if you are sick!
➢ We will try our best to add reminder signs and tape off areas that follow the 6’ rule where families can gather together and remain at a safe distance. This will include a sign on the restroom doors limiting entry to one family or person at a time. While it may be the friendly thing to do, playing in groups of people you do not know closely, is not recommended.
➢ If you would like to bring your own chairs, please feel free, but association furniture cannot be used and must remain stacked at all times as we cannot promise a steady and safe disinfection. Please also be sure to bring your own water and/or drinks as the water fountain will also not be open for use. Please also be sure to bring your own hand sanitizers as none will be provided.
➢ The splash pad will remain closed, per the CDC recommendation, and it will be updated as the recommendations update.
➢ Last but far from least, we ask that homeowners and residents be kind, thoughtful, and gracious to the lifeguards, the Board, and the pool management company as we move into this “new normal” as it has been called. We are all doing our best within our power to ensure a safe and comfortable situation for the residents and homeowners in the community. Please take caution and do what is in the best interest for your family, and the public health.
If you do not already have access cards and wish to obtain them, please go to www.Crest-management.com, and find the Access Card Request Form in the Village Creek community page under Community Documents, then Public Forms. The first card is free while any replacement or additional cards are $25, so long as you are current in your HOA assessment. If you wish to receive your cards in person from our office, there is an additional $20 fee per family.
The Pool Rules and Splash Park Rules can be found on the Crest Management website in the Village Creek community page as well. Go to “Communities” at the top of the page and search for Village Creek Community Association. You can find the documents under “Community
Documents” then “Public Forms.”
Please see the next page for your pool schedule.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact your Crest Management team, Pam and Kendall with the information below.
Kendall, Assistant Manager of the Association
Direct Phone: (281) 945-4613
Email: Kendall@crest-management.com
Pam, Manager of the Association
Direct Phone: (281) 945-4618
Email: Pam@crest-management.com
Village Creek Community Association
Board of Directors
The 2020 pool schedule is as follows, subject to Harris County and Texas state orders, laws,
and codes:
June 6th – June 30th
Tuesday – Sunday 12:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Independence Day 12:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Tuesday – Sunday 12:00 pm – 8:00 pm
August 1st – 16th
Tuesday – Sunday 12:00 pm – 8:00 pm
August 18th – 31st
Monday – Friday CLOSED
Saturday – Sunday 12:00 pm – 8:00 pm
September 1st – 5th
Monday – Friday CLOSED
Saturday – Sunday 12:00 pm – 8:00 pm
September 6th and 7th
Sunday 12:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Labor Day 12:00 pm – 8:00 pm