UPDATE: Waffle O’Licious Food Truck WILL NOT be here for the Holiday Lighting on 11/28.
While the food truck will not be here tonight, Saturday, November 28th for “flipping the switch,” the social committee will still be having the holiday lighting at 6:30 p.m.
November HOA Meeting Information and Agenda
Dear Neighbor,
We invite you to attend our virtual HOA meeting this evening, November 16, 2020. The dial-in phone number and Zoom video conferencing link is below.
Virtual Meeting Dial In (346) 248-7799
Meeting ID 954 2736 3934 Passcode 560998
Online Zoom Meeting Link: https://tinyurl.com/y27pkxke
Click link below to view or download the November 16, 2020 meeting agenda.
If you have any questions, you may direct them to Crest Management, and/or the Board of Directors, using the Contact page, here: https://villagecreek.us/index.php/contacts/.
Thank you,
Crest Management and the Village Creek Board of Directors
2020 Holiday Decoration Contest Guidelines
Start pulling those decorating boxes out of the attic and from storage! The annual holiday decorating contest will be held Friday, December 13.
2020 Holiday Decoration Contest Guidelines
Social Committee members will be the judges. The winners will receive lots of oohs and ahhs, a temporary yard sign stating their category win, and a modest gift certificate. Judging will be conducted in the evening of December 13. In all categories, a house that won the previous year can win again.
The following criteria are to help in the decision process. In all categories, a house that won in previous years can win again.
Best Overall – This home will give you a WOW factor as you view it. This home generally should have trim on the roof line, sidewalks, yard edge, and have lights around the trees. Single color themes or tasteful multi-colors are also a plus where you can tell that the resident made considerable effort to design a pattern and really make it look nice.
Most Festive – When you look at this home you should think that this house is “over the top.” This home should really load up on the lights; blow up figures, yard ornaments, etc.
Most Traditional – This home should have an elegant theme that is clean and neat, not cluttered. It should have a consistent color theme such as white, red, green, or combination of the three. It would remind you of an “old-fashioned” Christmas.
Kid’s Choice – The Committee will locate a few houses which are decorated with a theme or decorations that would appeal to children. Children from Village Creek will help the Committee make the final decision.
Door Decoration Contest: A well-lit (visible from the street) door. Creativity will be considered. Any of the above motifs can be used or create your own theme. Note: A winner of one of the above-mentioned categories cannot be awarded in this category.
Honorable Mention – While these homes may not win in any category above, this category would honor the residents’ expenditure of their time and money decorating their houses. Many of them deserve recognition for the effort they make beautifying their neighborhood during this season.
Thank you in advance to all that participate in giving Village Creek a special holiday ambiance.
End of Year Holiday Party on Saturday, December 5.
The Social Committee is very busy planning our “End of the Year Holiday Party.” Mark your calendars for Saturday, December 5th from 1-5 and plan for the entire family to join in. We will have a Covid-friendly chance for us to see Santa and have cookies and cocoa with him. PLUS, we are planning lots of fun things for “children of all ages.” (Details to follow)
-The Social Committee
P.S. We are going to light up the pool house on Saturday, November 28th at 6:30. Let’s all plan to gather there to welcome in the holiday!
Two Food Trucks on Friday, October 23 from 4-8 p.m.
The Orleans Food Truck
Want to feel like you are on Bourbon Street without having to leave Village Creek? If so, The Orleans Seafood Food Truck, which offers generous portions and unbeatable flavors of consistently delicious Cajun cuisine, is for you.
They are a quick, casual, family-friendly Cajun seafood food truck. The food is freshly prepared and you can choose any of their signature sauces at no additional cost.
They will here October 23rd, 4-8 pm. You may pre-order with them until 12:00 noon on the 23rd by texting 713-839-5306, or if you choose, walk up and enjoy the aromas as you place your order.
Hoping to see you there. Laissez les bons temps rouler!
Iced Cupcakery
Back by popular demand, join us in welcoming Iced Cupcakery. For extra fun, they will bring some great Halloween-themed cupcakes. Take a look at their offerings on their Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/icedcupcakery01/ You may pre-order these delicious cupcakes by using this form:https://forms.gle/X8FirWpZrgFA5miG8
You can pre-order now until 6:00pm October 22nd. But don’t worry; if you don’t get your pre-order in; you can pick up cupcakes at the window.
While visiting the food trucks please be mindful to socially distance by maintaining six feet of distance. We ask that one person/immediate family be at the order window at a time. Once your order has been placed, please stand back a safe distance for the next customer to approach the window. When picking up your order, one person/immediate family at the pick- up window at a time would be appreciated.
Thanks from The Social Committee

Texasiana food truck will be in VC on Friday, October 9 from 5-8 PM.

Are you ready for something different? If so, this food truck is for you. Jackie, the owner, features treats from Tennessee, Texas and Louisiana. The chef, with 26 years of experience, will be preparing fresh food to order. Check out the menu and see how these three states are featured.
The pre-order form includes the complete menu. See: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdtijQmQ2SqZInvYHF2zocs6yrIeNvT7iqqJA8wPm3zSqMB1g/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 They will take pre-orders until 9PM on Thursday, October 8th. But, if you don’t pre-order, that’s ok; they’ll be taking walk-up orders too.
The Social Committee couldn’t decide which state’s menu to order from, so we plan to diversify across the three! And, regardless, the Cajun coleslaw will be tried for sure.
We’re excited about this interesting venue; we hope to see you there.
-The Social Committee
The menu is below for your convenience.

VC Fall Garage Sale Fri, 10/16 & Sat, 10/17 from 8-5.
Neighbors: Start sorting through the kids’ closets and your garages to get ready!
The official Village Creek Garage Sale will be Friday, October 16th and Saturday, October 17th .
The recommended hours will be from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. We will post signs at the entrance of the subdivision, but you may want to post your own signs directing visitors to your house.
We hope everyone will have a successful sale.
Congratulations to Cole Martin, Christopher Parr, and Emily Biggers!
A big congratulations and round of applause to Cole Martin, Christopher Parr, and Emily Biggers for their winning photo submissions in our under 18 photography contest. The cover photo on October’s edition of The Voice is Cole Martin’s submission. November’s cover photo will be Christopher Parr’s submission. Last, but not least, Emily Biggers’s photography will grace the December issue. Thank you to all that participated!
Mingo’s Latin Kitchen will be in Village Creek on Friday, September 25 from 4-8 PM.
If you are curious about what food might come out of a Latin kitchen, you’ll have the opportunity to find out this Friday. Mingo’s Latin Kitchen Food Truck will be in Village Creek Friday, September 25 from 4-8 at the pool house parking lot.
Mingo’s Latin Kitchen has two food trucks that travel the greater Houston area bringing delicious food to the people. And Houstonians love it! Google reviews has Mingo’s Latin Kitchen rated 4.8 stars out of 5 with 272 reviews.
Take a look at the menu and decide what you and your family would like. You can call/text pre orders to 281-683-8305 until 4:30pm on Friday, September 25. They accept cash or cards.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MingosHTX
Instagram: @mingoshtx
While visiting the food trucks please be mindful to socially distance by maintaining six feet of distance. We ask that one person/immediate family be at the order window at a time. Once your order has been placed, please stand back a safe distance for the next customer to approach the window. When picking up your order, one person/immediate family at the pick- up window at a time would be appreciated.
Mingo’s Latin Kitchen Food Truck Menu and Family Meal Deal

You’re invited to a Garden Swap!
You are invited to join your neighbors for a Garden Swap!
It’s easy and fun. Bring any garden-related items to the pool house on September 19th from 9-12 AM. Display your garden-related items that you’d like to swap (indoor/outdoor plants, seeds, cuttings, pots, garden books, etc.) on a small table, bench, or wagon. Then browse others’ items and trade whatever you’d like.
No table? No problem, we will have a few tables there.
If you want to get a jump start propagating seeds or cuttings, the internet offers plenty of instruction. To keep it simple, you can just cut or dig up a plant, wrap it in a wet paper towel, and bring it.
Let’s join together to keep Village Creek beautiful. Happy gardening!
P.S. Don’t have anything to swap? That’s ok; drop by and visit with your neighbors.
-The Social Committee
We will be following current state guidelines at this gathering. While visiting, please be mindful to socially distance and follow all recommendations to help us stay safe.