Fall Garage Sale October 16, 2021 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Start sorting through the kids’ closets and your garages and get ready!
The official Village Creek Garage Sale will be Saturday, October 16th. The recommended hours will be from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. We will post signs at the main (Spring Cypress) entrance of the subdivision, but you may want to post your own signs directing visitors to your house.
We hope everyone will have a successful sale.
-The Events Committee
Celebrate National Night Out on October 5 from 5-6:30 p.m. at the Pool House
To celebrate National Night Out this year on October 5, we invite all residents to meet at the pool house for complimentary hot dogs! There you can visit with a member of our constable’s staff and meet new friends.
After that, in the spirit of the evening, may we suggest that neighbors meet together on their blocks? Grab a lawn chair and visit with others on your block. It doesn’t need to be formal, you can decide where to gather on the block and enjoy the rest of the evening.
-The Events Committee
Baked Not Fried Food Truck 9/3 from 5-8
Baked Not Fried Sounds Perfectly Healthy To Us
Baked Not Fried hits the streets with the slogan, “Delicious Grub and Healthy Crap”. Their menu offers food for the grease-impaired! That’s correct: The food is not greasy and there’s something for everyone (not just rabbit food!) They offer $5 all-beef hotdogs with 13 different garnishes! So, just take a look at the VAST family-friendly menu and decide what would be best for you and your family.
Easy to pick up, with only a 1-2 minute wait, they accept cash, cards, Venmo and Zelle.
They will be at the pool house from 5:00-8:00. Hope to see you at the pool house Friday evening.
-The Events Planning Committee (formerly known as the Social Committee)

End of Summer/Back to School Event
It’s hard to believe, but it’s back to school time! Your social committee is planning a final summer bash for residents of all ages on Saturday, August 14 from 11-2. We’ll have the DJ spinning your favorite tunes to help set the mood for our Luau theme. You’ll love the tropical treats from the famous Tikiz Truck as well as a scrumptious new food truck: Craft Bar-B-Que.
We’ll have a raffle for prizes (no purchase needed; a ticket will be given to all the kiddos at the welcome/check in table.)
Fun stuff we have planned:
-A Slip and Slide: Two shoots—one for the kiddos and another for adults
-The Climbing Tower: Note: a 38 year old resident made it to the top last time and is challenging other adults to match that feat!
-A Back to School “Meet and greet” area: For all grades with a special event for kindergarteners who will be meeting @ 10 that morning at the playground. Meet some other kindergarten friendly faces before the first day of school and enjoy a popsicle at the playground. We will mingle, play and meet our Willow Creek Elementary School principal. After that, stay for the party!
–Yard Games: including Jenga for adults
–A Pickleball demonstration by four of our residents. Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in America, so come see what it’s all about!
–AND back by popular demand: The Balloon Man and his partner! He is fantastic, but only here from 11-1.
Plan to join us—grass skirts and leis are optional!
Check out the Tikiz Truck. Their Facebook page tells us to “Listen for the Steel Drum Music!” They have ice cream, shaved ice, Hawaiian Coffee and other dreamy-sounding hot beverages and Flotz, one of which is called a “Purple Cow”! Sounds like fun; we’re intrigued! You can visit their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/TikizNHouston.

Sharky’s Sno Cone in VC Sat, 7/10 from 1-8
Sharky’s Sno Cones will be helping us cool off Saturday, July 10th and July 31st. Come and enjoy a refreshing sno cone with Sharky at the pool house. They’ll be here from 1-8 p.m. Cost ranges from $3 to $5
Cousins Maine Lobster in VC on Friday, July 9th from 5-8 p.m.
Ready for something different?
Friday, July 9th from 5-8 p.m. we will welcome Cousins Maine Lobster to Village Creek. Nationally known and locally owned, they tell us they love serving communities around the Houston area. Their dedication to the business starts with their training program. From trap to truck or table – each Cousins Maine Lobster family member travels to Maine, meets their lobstermen, boards their boats, baits and hauls traps, and measures lobsters for sustainability to learn about the industry and what makes their lobster so special.
Their story is interesting. You might enjoy checking it out on their website: https://www.cousinsmainelobster.com/our-story/.
We think you’ll love the food and appreciate it when they say, “We are a family business, and there’s nothing more important than family.”
Fourth of July parade and festivities on Sunday, July 4th from 5-8 p.m.
Put on your red, white, and blue, and join us for our Village Creek Fourth of July parade and festivities on Sunday, July 4th from 5-8 p.m.
Our Independence Day celebration commences with our annual Fourth of July parade at 5:oo p.m.
Parade details: There are two options for line up sites:
-The old splash pad near Opal Valley Dr. which is a .7 mile route to the Pool House. (for older kids and adults, perhaps) We’ll line up at 4:30 to leave at 4:45 p.m.
-Pedlars Court and join the parade from there for a route of .4 mile to the pool house. We’ll line up there at 4:45 p.m.
Decorate your bike or vehicle in patriotic colors, and join us! Neighbors with classic cars are invited to lead our procession. Our parade will begin making its way up Lake Vista Dr to the pool house at 5:00 p.m. Prizes will be awarded for the following:
- Best dressed in the following categories:
- Up to 3 years of age
- Ages 4-10
- Ages 11 and over
- Adults (18 and over)
- Best decorated vehicle
At the pool house, our Independence Day festivities continue on until 8. The pool will be open, a professional DJ will be “spinning” music, and we’ll have some lawn games, an inflatable slip and slide (for all ages!) and a few other surprises
Food will be available for purchase from WaffleO’Licious; they will be offering tasty food and ice cream.
2021 Board Election Information
The 2021 Village Creek Board of Directors Election is coming up fast.
Candidates interested in running must submit the Questionnaire Form, linked below, to Crest Management, no later than 5pm on Jun 17.
Link: Candidate Questionnaire
No nominations will be accepted after June 17, 2021, not will they be accepted at the annual meeting in July.
If you have any questions about the elections or the board, contact Crest Management via their website, or contact the board and manager via our contact form.
Summer Kickoff Canceled
We are sorry to have to cancel the Luau party planned for this Saturday, June 5th. With this continuous rain and a prediction of 80% chance for Saturday, we feel this is the best decision for Village Creek.
We regret this change of plans, but hope to see you soon at the next event.
-The Social Committee
Waffle O’Licious Back by Popular Demand
Back by Popular Demand!
Something different and loved the last time they were here in Village Creek, WaffleO’Licious is coming back. The owners tell us, “The ‘O’ Basic Waffle is the beginning of everything we do. It’s offered with a “Texas” style kick to it. We start with savory waffle dishes and end with the sweetest waffles for a finish.”
That’s right; you have a choice of a delicious selection of savory or sweet waffles! (Why not take home one of each? You will have dinner and dessert and wow yourself and your family.)
Check out the fantastic menu and get pre-order instruction on their website at https://db7c0bd7-f0c4-44e4-b1d6-a56c35a91d89.usrfiles.com/ugd/db7c0b_f5c643c8916d4ff0b4a4cb94bab250ca.pdf
The pre-order window is open from Thursday evening, June 3rd at 5 pm until Friday night, June 4th at 7:00 pm.
We’re looking forward to hosting this exciting truck again and enjoying their delicious Waffle O’Licious treats.
-The Social Committee