Home Owner Association

A Movie Night at the Pool House


Your Events Committee invites you to the pool house at 7 p.m. Saturday, November 6th.  Our pool manager will be projecting the feature movie, The War with Grandpa, for us to enjoy!   

Everyone’s invited.  We’ll be serving hotdogs and popcorn.  We’ll have water, but you may want to bring your own drinks if you prefer something else.

We’ll be gathering in the grass, so you may wish to bring blankets, pillows, chairs, bug spray for those of us whom bugs love, and other creature comforts. 

So, pack up and meet us there and let’s all try something new and have fun! 

P.S. Don’t want to see the movie?  That’s ok; maybe bring a chair and gather around the pool house breezeway and visit with your neighbors! 


-The Events Committee

Opens: Memorial Day Wknd
Closes: Sept (date pending)
Hours: 10am – 8pm
Closed Mondays for Maint.

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Hours: 8am to 8pm Daily