Texasiana food truck will be in VC on Friday, October 9 from 5-8 PM.
Are you ready for something different? If so, this food truck is for you. Jackie, the owner, features treats from Tennessee, Texas and Louisiana. The chef, with 26 years of experience, will be preparing fresh food to order. Check out the menu and see how these three states are featured.
The pre-order form includes the complete menu. See: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdtijQmQ2SqZInvYHF2zocs6yrIeNvT7iqqJA8wPm3zSqMB1g/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 They will take pre-orders until 9PM on Thursday, October 8th. But, if you don’t pre-order, that’s ok; they’ll be taking walk-up orders too.
The Social Committee couldn’t decide which state’s menu to order from, so we plan to diversify across the three! And, regardless, the Cajun coleslaw will be tried for sure.
We’re excited about this interesting venue; we hope to see you there.
-The Social Committee
The menu is below for your convenience.